CBCC Live TV – Stimulus, Grants and Jobkeeper 2020 | CBCC Event

CBCC Live TV – Stimulus, Grants and Jobkeeper 2020 | CBCC Event

What another great episode of CBCC Live TV – an episode targeting Stimulus, Grants and Jobkeeper Payments. Keeping our members informed, providing strategies and brainstorming ideas is an important part of what the Chamber provides to its members. We advocate for you with local, state and federal government.

We were blessed to have Jason Clare MP grace us for Business After 5 #BA5 after the Livestreaming event. Jason kicked back and participated in frank discussions and provided some insights as well as listened to the concerns of the business owners. We thank him, and hope he joins in regularly.


CBCC Live TV – Stimulus, Grants and Jokeeper Payments

“Hello Friends,

My name is wally Mehanna CEO at CBCC –

Thanks to our facilitators THA Creative Agency and Collappor8 —-once more we bring you this livestream, fostering our theme during the COVID-19 ——


How can we help?

Let’s be clear, we all know that a dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.

In saying that, it is important to remind you and I quote our PM “that many Australians including employers and employees are facing hardship at no fault of their own”

So, don’t blame yourself for your business depression or loss of job, on the contrary, we need to support each other during this difficult time and that’s why we are here tonight playing our essential role to keep you connected and well informed.

Working together, we want you to look for opportunities, for ways to diversify your business operations, Innovates and search for solutions, so you can stay in business and together we walk across the bridge to the other side.

Business is about teamwork the employer and the employees and both need to be supported.

Today more than ever we need to come together and revisit the foundation to build a perfect nation Hence why I need to refer to a portion of what President Abraham Lincoln said once:

* You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

* You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

* You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.

* You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

* You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.

* You cannot further the brotherhood by inciting class hatred.

* You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.”

Our Panel Speakers – Stimulus, Grants and Jobkeeper Payments

We pride ourselves on attracting talent from our vast pool of members to discuss current issues like the government stimulus packages and provide real information, from real people about real issues. Meet our Panel.

Peter Ristevski from Chan-Naylor

Our friendly team of property and business tax accountants in Bankstown (South West Sydney) specialise in property tax accounting, bookkeeping, asset protection, and wealth creation strategies. We can help to propel you and your business forward as well as protect your financial success.


Sasi Virtanen from PerformHR

Our HR outsourcing offerings enable businesses to access best-practice people strategy, where and when they need it.


Leah Ostermeyer from Collappor8

Collappor8 is a one stop shop for business. As management consultants they cover all areas of a business such Strategy and Corporate Finance, Accounting & Bookkeeping, Customers & Marketing including digital and design, Operations, People & Culture and Business Interior Design. Need help with accessing your government grants and payment, get Collappor8 on your side. 

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Written by Collappor8
Collappor8 - Business Redesigned. We’re a one-stop-shop for businesses that need a strategy, and people to execute those strategies. Call us when you're ready to make real changes!

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