Dear Business Leader,
I am pleased to inform you that the Canterbury Bankstown Chamber of Commerce was established with the major objective being to further the economic development in the Canterbury Bankstown region and beyond.
Our aim is to provide the business sector in the region with a common voice, which will listen to local business needs, advance their interest and support our community sectors through direct advocacy to encourage local investment.
The chamber will endeavour to advance business knowledge through educational activities in the form of business workshops, expert panel presentations and best practice showcases. These activities will be tailored to suit the requirements of local businesses.
This chamber will work closely with the local Council, State and Federal Representatives, and key Stakeholders focusing on real issues that are affecting growth in our region. We will seek to redirect public and private sector investments to our region, support projects on easing traffic congestion, encourage corporate presence, and lobby for a reduction in red tape.
As a Chamber member, you are promptly known as a credible, engaged member of the business community, committed to improving our economic outlook and seeking to encourage quality life in our region and beyond.
Furthermore, you can increase referrals to grow your business from the Chamber team and fellow members, promote your business online and offline, our monthly networking events represent a great opportunity for you to build significant business connections, learn from industry icons and gain perspectives and strategies to develop your business, be a voice in our community and help make our region a better place to live and do business.
“Together we are building a vibrant and prosperous community through business leadership”
For more information, you can contact me directly on 0416 012 747 or at
Look forward to greeting you soon.
Yours faithfully

Wally Mehanna
CEO and Board Member