Reconnecting Multicultural Businesses to the Youth Workforce

The CBCC is spearheading Business and Youth Connections: A movement to equip our local multicultural businesses with the knowledge, resources, and technology to harness the power of our youth for business success.

Business and Youth Connections

The Challenge Facing Businesses and Youth

Businesses globally are grappling with staff acquisition and retention challenges. Despite these challenges, they remain reluctant to hire young workers. Over the last decade, small and medium-sized businesses have preferred to invest in experienced employees.

Young people are facing difficulties securing jobs due to a lack of skills and experience.

The CBCC is committed to addressing issues disconnecting businesses from youth by providing resources to help create strong connections between businesses and young workers to alleviate workforce shortages and support the growth of our community. The Chamber sees that some businesses without apprentices, for example, are not as competitive in price as others and as such, they’re struggling to grow.

Business and Youth Connections
Business and Youth Connections

The Solution

The CBCC is delivering resources to address the challenges faced by both multicultural businesses and youth.

It’s crucial to integrate youth into our local workforce, however many businesses are hesitant to hire young workers due to stigma, a perceived lack of skills, and limited experience.

We aim to bridge this gap between business and youth by:

  • Promoting Upskilling and Mentorships
  • Encouraging Innovation,
  • Providing opportunities to increase understanding and building connections between older, more experienced business owners with younger, aspirational workers.

Through these relationships, both our local business community and our youth will benefit, leading to a stronger, more vibrant, and thriving future.

Strength in Diversity: Turning Multiculturalism into Business Success

Canterbury Bankstown is home to a vibrant tapestry of cultures, with over 60% of our residents speaking languages other than English and businesses owned by individuals from more than 100 different cultural backgrounds. This rich diversity is not only a hallmark of our community but also a significant strength that can be harnessed for business success.

Our area is a thriving hub of diversity and innovation, and by learning from each other, we can go from strength and strength.

The CBCC provides a practical support system, connecting businesses and organisations with CBCC Members and Partners who have the experience and knowledge to guide them. This network can help businesses and organisations to overcome challenges and achieve their goals more efficiently. By utilising the CBCC’s resources, businesses can access training, mentorship, and collaborative opportunities that might otherwise not be readily accessible.

Business and Youth Connections - Contact Us

Ways To Create Business and Youth Connections

Business and Youth Connections

Gaining Experience for Young People

Young people can gain experience through pathways such as:

  • Internships: Internships provide hands-on experience in professional settings, helping young people apply their academic knowledge and develop practical skills. They often lead to permanent employment by demonstrating the intern’s capabilities.
  • Apprenticeships: Apprenticeships combine formal education with on-the-job training, allowing young people to earn while they learn. They are vital to building local business and our future workforce.
  • Volunteering: Volunteering helps young people develop skills, gain experience, and build a resume while giving back to the community. It also provides networking opportunities and demonstrates a commitment to a particular cause.
  • Networking, Training and Online Courses: Networking with professionals and taking online courses can open doors to job opportunities and new skills. These activities help young people stay updated with industry trends and enhance their employability.

These activities not only build skills and experience but by participating in these activities you send a message to your potential employers that you’re motivated to be a valuable part of a team. Performing well in these activities could earn you a positive reference putting you heads and shoulders over your competition.

Harnessing Volunteerism

At the CBCC, we understand the power of volunteerism and how it is a powerful tool for business owners who want to take connection to the next level.

The CBCC offers a Concierge Service, which is provided by volunteer CBCC Members, such as Collappor8 who can help you link to other Members, services and community resources. Our volunteers are dedicated to the CBCC’s mission of providing businesses in our region with a common voice, advancing their interests through advocacy and supporting business growth in South-West Sydney and beyond.

With our volunteers’ help, business owners can build valuable networks with other like-minded businesses, share knowledge and experience, and gain fresh insights. They can gain experience within different roles, increasing their reputations and visibility, becoming more recognisable to young people, and attracting potential employees, partners, and customers.

business and youth connections
Business and Youth Connections


Mentorship is a powerful tool that can connect and bridge the gap between businesses and youth.

For businesses, mentoring provides valuable insights into the younger generation’s thoughts, motivations, and aspirations, encouraging mutual growth and understanding.

For youth, mentorship offers them the chance to learn essential skills from experienced professionals that will help them strive for excellence.

This exchange benefits both parties and providing more avenues to build business and youth connections.

The CBCC aims to help you access mentorship opportunities, such as CEO for a Day! to enable you to experience the benefits of mentoring young people.


CBCC Business and Youth Connections Radio Interview

Radio Interview

Wally discusses how the CBCC’s CEO for a Day! and BRAVE programs are part of the CBCC’s vision to strengthen community cohesion and enhance multiculturalism.

Harnessing the power of mentorship, education, and peer support, both CEO for a Day! and BRAVE inspire and empower our community with direct connections to multicultural leaders within our community.

Through these programs and other CBCC activities and initiatives, we promote diversity, inclusion, and equality, creating ripple effects that strengthen social cohesion and multicultural understanding within South-West Sydney and beyond.

Facebook Live: Business and Youth Connections

This Facebook Live explores business and youth connections through apprenticeships, traineeships, and alternative employment pathways via mentoring and business networks.

Our CEO, Wally, sat down with our speakers, Martin from Realise Business, Sophie from ANATE, and Ahmad from Radi Electrical, who shared insights and opportunities to help bridge the gap between businesses and aspiring young professionals.

Business and Youth Connections Facebook Live

Additional Resources

Reimagining Young People’s Futures without Racism

Professor Naomi Priest and Roxanne Jones from ANU presents on the topic of the impact of racism on health, and young people from our Youth Steering Group shared their lived experiences.

Not all superheroes wear capes – you have the power to change the world.

Nova Reid, a diversity and anti-racism campaigner and consultant, discusses the harm caused by hate speech, microaggressions, and bias, and what we can do about it.

This initiative is supported by:

CBCC Youth Committee Sponsor ANATE Corporate
Al Aseel
Western Sydney Parklands